This article will look at the different types of car finance that may be available and what steps you should take in order to secure financing while on an IVA. We’ll also explore other considerations such as insurance costs and how your credit score could impact your ability to obtain car finance.
Getting Car Finance With An IVA
If you’re on an IVA, your best option for car finance is to speak to a specialist broker who specialises in IVA car finance. These brokers can work with lenders that are willing to provide financing to those with poor credit ratings and they will be able to give you advice on the best way forward. It is important to remember though, that due to the fact that you have an IVA, it may not be possible for you to get the most competitive rates of interest or loan terms.
It is also essential that you take into account other costs associated with getting a car when on an IVA. Insurance premiums could be higher than usual due to your credit history and this should be taken into account when working out the overall cost of taking out car finance. Additionally, it is important to ensure that you can afford the repayments and that your IVA won’t be affected adversely by taking out a loan for a car.
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Finally, it is worth noting that having an IVA could also have an impact on your credit score. As mentioned previously, lenders may view you as a high-risk borrower due to your IVA and this could mean that they are less likely to offer competitive rates of interest or terms. This means that it is even more important to shop around and get quotes from multiple lenders.
How Does the Process of Getting a Car Loan Work if I Have an IVA?
Getting a car loan with an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) is possible, but the process may be different to when applying for finance in other situations. Generally speaking, those who have an IVA may need to provide more information about their finances and spending habits than someone without one.
Can You Afford It? When applying for car finance with an IVA, it’s important to ensure that you can afford the repayments each month and that they fit into your budget. Your lender will then assess whether they believe you can make them or not by reviewing your current credit rating and financial situation. It’s likely that lenders will require proof of income such as payslips or bank statements so they can see regular payments are coming in. You should also be aware that the lender could also ask for details about your IVA, such as information about who is managing it and when payments are due.
Have You Compared Offers? It’s important to remember that not all lenders will provide finance with an IVA, so you may need to shop around and compare offers until you find one that suits your requirements. When comparing loan options, make sure to look at the Annual Percentage Rate (APR), which factors in fees, charges and interest rates and gives a more accurate measurement of what you will pay over the course of your loan. Once you have found a suitable loan option, it’s best to speak directly with a financial adviser before signing anything, as they can help ensure getting car finance with an IVA is in your best interests.
In conclusion, while getting car finance with an IVA may be difficult, it is still possible. It is important to speak to a specialist broker who has experience in helping people with bad credit and to remember that other costs such as insurance premiums should be taken into account when working out the overall cost of taking out car finance. Finally, it is worth bearing in mind that having an IVA could also have an impact on your credit score and that lenders may not offer the most competitive rates of interest or terms due to this.
🚗 Read more: How Long After An IVA Can I Get Car Finance?